26 Coro Colors!

We offer a mix of solid stock colors and printed colors. The printed colors are noted with a dollar sign on the items for the printing upcharge. We print both sides of a sheet of white coro. While providing more color options, it also requires additional ink and extra processing time. The printed colors have an upcharge that varies by product. The printed colors can take an an extra day in processing time. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

Colors by Tone against White

squares of color variants organized by color tone against white

Colors by Tone against Black

squares of color variants organized by color tone against black

Standard vs. Printed Colors

Please note that due to complexities of printing, printed colors may have slight scratches or slight splotching. This is a normal part of this color process and does not indicate a defective product.

Color Changes Over Time

We've dropped a few custom colors from the printed line-up as they weren't often requested and we've added some new stock colors. If you have an older printed color that you need to match, it's likely we can still print that color. So, please reach out to us for color consult.

Printed vs. Stock Coro Colors

You can still use your vinegar cleaning solution for printed coro and it will be fine. There may be a slight, initial odor from the ink, as the items are printed to order and shipped right away. It's minor and not offensive and will dissipate with a little time. Nothing to worry about with your guinea pigs.